![]() 体育资讯07月27日报道宣称 巴黎奥运会开幕式落幕,其不同于往届开幕式的内容引发观众和媒体关注,多家英国媒体纷纷发文吐槽。 邮报:忘掉塞纳河水的冲刷、光着身子的蓝精灵、倒挂的旗帜和Lady Gaga的鸵鸟装扮吧... 巴黎以“令人吃惊”的奥运飞行火炬和席琳-迪翁的精彩表演结束开幕式 Forget the River Seine wash-out, naked Smurf, upside down flag and Lady Gaga's ostrich act... Paris triumphs to end opening ceremony with amazing spectacle of a FLYING Olympic cauldron and extraordinarily powerful return performance by Celine Dion 每日星报:奥运会开幕式陷入混乱,组织者努力应对天气"灾难",现场观众“冒烟了” Olympics Opening Ceremony chaos as organisers battle weather 'disaster' and locals fume 电讯报:辉煌的结尾,但奥运会开幕式其他部分就像放了“哑炮” A glorious finale but otherwise the Olympics opening ceremony was a damp squib 太阳报:让湿漉漉的比赛开始吧:英国队漂浮在雨中的塞纳河上,2024巴黎奥运开幕式混乱且潮湿,席琳-迪翁在埃菲尔铁塔上惊艳表演 WET THE GAMES BEGIN Drenched Team GB float down Seine in chaotic rain-soaked Paris 2024 opening ceremony as Celine Dion wows on Eiffel Tower 泰晤士报:“放了哑炮”一样的表演 Olympic opening ceremony review: a damp squib of a show 镜报:席琳-迪翁为精彩的开幕式画上句号,BBC的观众在抱怨... BBC viewers complain as Celine Dion brings stunning opening ceremony to a close ...... |
